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  • Dental and Aesthetic Treatments in Valdivia

    We specialize in Dental Implantology and Facial Aesthetics.

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    Dental implants in Valdivia

    Dental Rehabilitation with Dental Implants

    Dental implants are the most effective and safest method to restore your missing teeth without the need for dentures or bridges. They have a proven success rate of 98% within 15 years of installation.
    We work with the best materials on the market and digitally plan your treatment, ensuring that each tooth you recover is safe for your rehabilitation.

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    Facial Aesthetics in Valdivia

    Bichectomy - Botox - Facial Rejuvenation - Hyaluronic Acid - Hyaluronic Acid

    If you aim to improve your visual aesthetics, you can undergo a facial rejuvenation treatment or surgery with the application of BOTOX, Hyaluronic Acid or cheek reduction.
    We use techniques and bio materials brought from Brazil and the United States. The best of the world for you in Valdivia.

  • Clinical CASES


    Bichectomy in Valdivia

    Thinner face

    It consists in the removal of the fat or "Bichat's ball" in the cheek by means of an ambulatory surgery with local anesthesia (the same used in the dentist). It requires relative rest of at least two days and the aesthetic result is achieved after two months.

    Aesthetics Orofacial Rejuvenation Valdivia

    Botox - Hyaluronic Acid​

    Aesthetic treatments through the application of botulinum toxin (Botox) and hyaluronic acid. Botulinum toxin acts by temporarily paralyzing the motor nerve of the facial muscle, reducing expression lines and wrinkles.

    Hyaluronic acid is a natural polymer of our skin that is applied to fill deep furrows and lips. It achieves an effect of hydration and volume of our skin. It is applied on an outpatient basis, with local anesthesia and the results are immediate.

    Dental implants Valdivia

    Get your smile back​

    Treatment that recovers one or more teeth through the replacement of the dental roots in the jaws with titanium and rehabilitation of metallic and ceramic structure. They have a success rate of 95% over 15 years, allowing you to improve the functionality and aesthetics of your smile. A clinical evaluation, radiographs and digital planning are necessary to improve the results of the treatment.

    Dental implants in Valdivia

    Immediate anterior tooth implant

    Case of extraction of anterior tooth due to traumatic fracture and implant installation, using the same tooth as a temporary.

    Bichectomy in Valdivia

    Lip filler Bichectomy Valdivia​

    Experience of María José Arcos, about lip filler with hyaluronic acid and Bichectomy for cheek reduction.

    Bichectomy in Valdivia

    Lip filler Bichectomy Valdivia

    Case report of a patient who underwent bichectomy. Results after 3 months. Individual case. Valdivia, Chile. October 2020

    Dental implants in Valdivia

    Implants complete maxillary prosthesis in Valdivia

    Presentation of a patient who had all her maxillary teeth removed and a fixed prosthesis was installed on implants.

  • Dr Pedro Aravena

    PhD. Surgeon-Dentist
    Specialist in Implantology and Periodontal plastic surgery.

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    Dr. Pedro Aravena is a Dental Surgeon and holds a Doctorate degree in Medical Sciences.
    He completed a Fellowship in Human Anatomy at the University of Valencia - Spain and a Diploma in Oral Implantology at the Universidad Mayor - Chile.
    He is a Specialist in Implantology, advanced tissue regeneration and orofacial aesthetics by the University of Sao Leopoldo Mandic of Brazil and Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Austral de Chile, in charge of chairs of Human Anatomy and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the School of Dentistry UACh.


    Contact and information for patients and colleagues

    Artículos Científicos Dr Pedro Aravena

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    Clases y conferencias Dr Pedro Aravena


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